Sunday, January 27, 2008


How does work get done in government offices? I happened to start working in a place like it... and the plush exterior and sunmica-ed interiors tends to fool you.
Women in mismatched clothes, mangalsutras et al, ambling around talking in hindi actually marathi to each other about home, children, holidays, threatening co-workers...pretty much anything other than work. oh yes, theres the phone calls, for hours. All this, while other willing, serious people are waiting for their snack coupons, since 2 days. Only its a lot of trouble to fill in the blanks of an already formatted letter and print it out. They'd rather not give the waif them, lest she dicides to take advantege of the free food, and eats everything.
Eventually, you wonder what happens?!
The middle class gets jobs in government offices, because of oh so important reservations, so all they have to do is sit and gossip, once in a while type something out one letter at a time so that it takes 3 hrs to finish one page. Remember, some of these people dont have computers at home, so u give them the benefit of the doubt.
After your well spent 3 hours of serious work, you have to run to the loo; thus completing abt one of the 20 trips you make there as the AC is too cold. This writer thinks its part of the reservation conspiracy...making sure you have time well spent in the office.
To further pass the 8 hrs, you have to conspire about people supposedly conspiring against you coz your not a graduate and the new girl is one, and you might just lose your job to the replacement who's been hired for 180 days temporarily. Then you have to hatch up plans on how to avoid her, so she gets the message and leaves....lilte do they know, she's got her own plans.
All this is happening while people sitting in cabins are yelling over the phone to people to buck up, send them invoices, stats etc. If you look closely, the cabins house various managers of several depts,GMs, DGMs etc...
You wonder why the commie-ners bad mouth the managers, stage strikes, huddle together in corners doing God knows what. Thats coz they can afford to do it, coz the government pays them to do it while the managers are getting the work done.
How can someone support a socialist cause when people who supposedly embrace it, are abusing the very essence of the idea.