Sunday, June 3, 2012

An Ode

You know who you are. 

You don’t have to be picked out.

We've had our differences. We’ve had our days when we've not spoken to each other. We've bitched.  We've gone for months without meeting. We let men come between us. We let stories come between us. We've scowled and sulked and overreacted.

But we drink. Better than fishes, we drink. Sometimes, we drink more than we talk. Other times, we drink in order to talk. We’re butch like that.

And we may never be up to speed about the all the things that bother us; our jobs, the stress of making it on your own, that boy you’re trying so hard to get over but can’t, that shoot-me-in-the-head-now marriage conversation with the parents, an existential crisis, life! Some of us get to know sooner than the others, some of us sense it and everybody understands.

And through it all, you’re there. In between the chottas and the badas and the joint. The cheap whiskey, the good Old Monk the gallons and gallons of beer; you’re there. A phone call or a What's app message away.
By some weird telepathy we understand. We provide a window, a breath of fresh… rather some booze breath but a renewed one nonetheless. The escape, into a world where everything is sorted, even if it’s only for a few hours.

For our kind that lives weekend to weekend, Janta to Carters, Brass Monkey to Kohinoor, Deepak’s to Juhu Beach - You help pause the madness, with a little help from the high.
Even if we don’t know about it.



cinnamon-o-fied chocolat said...

Hate the fact that I can relate to every bit of it.Love the fact that you are back to writing...intermittently yes,but it feeds my soul that craves your words.Like the mind craves for the hills,the greens,a rippling pond and a smoke!!love yaaaa

Abigail said...

I have chanced upon what some might call, a muse. One I hope, stays forever.

In reality however, I'm making the most of it..

Lots more to come.. and you, you're one of my favourite readers. You and Raamunee :) Love you'll to bits :P

Kevin Lobo said...

It's me isn't it. The muse I mean. Please let it be me. I am muse worthy. In fact, I am so muse worthy that I am a muse-ic journalist. Now, how can you beat that.

Also, loved the post. Don't like being alcoholic, but what the hell right... :*

Random Dent Too said...

Awww, this is like a little more grown up post after those post college blogs we wrote! I LOVE! It's amazing how we're all still a part of each other's madness.

Also f**k you Kev, I'm the muse!

Abigail said...

Hahahaha... Ramona when I posted it I was thinking about it being 'grown up'. And I wrote this piece after meeting you at Carters on Saturday.. So Kevin, the post sorta happened coz of Ramona. :P
But neither of you'll are the muse (fuck 'muse' is now beginning to sound damn funny)
And we're all alcoholics ya, its life's side effect.