Sunday, December 6, 2009


Something to look for
He's a reason to wake up
They dont have much in common
They may not be alike
He might not even love her....
But, he's that ray of light
The one that nudges Dark
Lifting her velvetin shroud
Exposed and naked, she's caught by surprise
That secret beauty
But he kissed her, caressed her,
Till she knows its gonna be alright
And they share this secret
Her nakedness, his caress
Her beauty, his power.
People say they're worlds apart
Dark and Light
Day and Night
Yet body and soul,
He could continue without her,
Without him, she'd have no reason to wake up


CRD said...
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CRD said...

They say love ALWAYS begets Love....

They LIE...


Devi Ray said...
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Devi Ray said...

Love is a painful myth thats real and lust is a extreme pleasure thats too unreal.

cinnamon-o-fied chocolat said...

loved it to bits!strangely can relate to the last 2 posts...:)...this has inspired me to write something down thats brewing in my mind right now..

Abigail said...

Wow!!! I inspired you!! So cool! Well ive got 2 more tht ive written along the same lines.... Ill post em soon...

The Rambler said...

Nice... your writing has a sweet smell of honesty.. very earthy.. good work purple.